Proofread Teams
Thov qhuas thiab ua tsaug rau cov tim xyoob uas pab kuv txhim kho peb phau ntawv no, yog tsis muaj nej pab tib taw ces kuv twb yuav xauj tsis pom tsom tsis meej peb lus Hmoob lub yeej los thiab mos tsis tsum lub hauv kev yuav fav tsam peb cov lus coj mus siv yeej kom muab kuab. Luag hais tias ib lub zeem muag tsis cuag cuaj lub tswv yim; yim lub xwm xav thiaj yuav tsav tau sawv daws lub koom phiaj.
Author :
James B Xiong
BS Computer Science
Southwest State University (Marshall, MN)
St. Paul, MN
Ib tsoom kwv tij thooj tsob sawv daws, peb lus Hmoob yog ib hom lus uas qub thiab zoo siv kawg nkaus yog peb paub lub tseem ntsiab thiab fav tsam tau liaj txheej kev siv, tsis tas mus qiv luag pej kum lwm haiv lus los peb yeej hais tau ua tsheej sob fob tau ua tsheej zaj. Kuv li fab sim tshawb nrhiav lus Hmoob tsis yog txhom qus raws huab cua los tis lub ntsiab, tab sis yog ib khom lub yeej los ntawm peb cov lus lub tseem ntsiab fab yim xim phua kum xeeb tawm los cob txheeb nrog rau lwm lo lus uas sib thooj ntsiab thiab fav tsam lub yeej ntsiab mus siv nrog lwm lo lus. Thiaj li muaj ntau~ lo lus uas koj hnov dua tab sis tsis tau pom dua lwm yam siv yeej li fab sim.
Proofread Teams :
HniaSher II Xiong
MSE (Master of Science in Education)
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Wrightstown, WI
Yeejhuam (Vwj) Vaj
Associate Diploma & Trade Qualified
Northern Sydney Institute TAFE
Wa Xeng Vang
Diploma (Ban Vinai High School)
Eau Claire, WI
David Blong Lee (Tswv Nplooj Lis)
BS Marquette University
DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) Marqutte University
Sheboygan, WI
Travis Chou Xiong
MPA (Master of Public Administration)
California State University, Stanislaus
Merced, CA
Arthur Kham B. Lee (Nom Hwm Lis)
BS in Chemistry, Beloit College, WI
BS in Medical Laboratory Scientist, Rush University, IL
MPAS (Master science in physician assistant studies) Marywood University
PAMD (Doctor of Medicine) Spartan Health Science University School of Medicine, St. Lucia
Technical Consultant :
Pao Xiong
BS Computer Science
Southwest State University (Marshall, MN)
St. Paul, MN