Welcome to Hmong Dictionary Online!
We are proud to announce that Hmong dictionary has successfully spelled check our database. We also recognize that although we have moved a step forward, we are still light years away from having a system that will eliminate grammatical errors. Hmong Dictionary's spell check system is now available to the public for spelling and accuracy.
In addition, we are also excited to feature Hmong Text-to-Speech to our community. Let us know if there is anything you would like us to improve.
Hmong Dictionary Online is designed for the new Window 8 and Android touch screen. You are welcome to touch or click on any word to see definitions without typing it in the search box.
If you are running Hmong Dictionary App on Play Store and find any annoying advertisement, please use your native browser to go to our website www.hmongdictionary.us. After you login, pin the page to your homescreen. The best browser for Hmong Dictionary Online is CM Browser with full screen mode found in Google Play Store.
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